Delhi To Rishikesh Distance : Unraveling Best Routes From Delhi To Rishikesh
delhi to rishikesh distance

Delhi To Rishikesh Distance : Distance, Travel Time, and Best Routes

Delhi to Rishikesh Distance: Planning a journey from Delhi to Rishikesh? Delhi-Rishikesh Distance Look no further! We will provide you all the knowledge you need in this post regarding the distance between these two cities and the several ways of mobility accessible. We will also discuss the calm city of Rishikesh itself, therefore giving you a taste of its beauty and spiritual resonance.


Delhi to Rishikesh Distance

Delhi and Rishikesh lie about 240 kilometers (150 miles) apart. Often referred to as the “Yoga Capital of the World,” Rishikesh lies tucked in the foothills of the Himalayas within the northern state of Uttarakhand. From Delhi to Rishikesh, the trip can be magical, with amazing vistas of the holy Ganges River and the great mountains.

delhi to Rishikesh distance
delhi to Rishikesh distance

Delhi to Rishikesh Distance By Train

The train is one of the most often used means of getting from Delhi to Rishikesh. Haridwar Junction, which is well-served by several Indian cities, is the closest train station to Rishikesh. From Delhi, you may board a train to Haridwar, then pay a taxi or local bus to Rishikesh, barely twenty kilometers away. The rail ride, depending on the train and its itinerary, takes five to six hours.

Delhi to Rishikesh Distance By Train
Delhi to Rishikesh Distance By Train

Delhi to Rishikesh Distance By Road

From Delhi to Rishikesh, you might choose a road trip if you want a more adaptable kind of mobility. The road trip takes six to seven hours, depending on the path you decide upon and the state of traffic. Traveling by road presents a number of choices: self-drive, taxi hire, or bus ride.

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Delhi to Rishikesh Distance By Road
Delhi to Rishikesh Distance By Road

Should you decide to drive yourself, you can use the most straight path between Delhi and Rishikesh, NH 334. The road is kept nicely maintained and provides lovely vistas all along. Still, it’s essential to investigate the state of the roads and schedule your journey accordingly.

Alternatively, from Delhi to Rishikesh, you might pay for a bus or a taxi. Operating on this path, various public and private buses provide a pleasant and practical means of mobility. Usually having several stops along the way, the buses let you pause and savor the trip at your own speed.

Delhi to Rishikesh Distance By Flight

Delhi to Rishikesh Distance By Flight
Delhi to Rishikesh Distance By Flight

You can decide to fly from Delhi to Rishikesh if you have limited time or would like a faster way of moving. About twenty kilometers away, in Dehradun, Jolly Grant Airport is the closest airport to Rishikesh.

Regular flights between Delhi and Dehradun are run by several home carriers. Reaching Rishikesh the fastest is via plane, which takes about an hour. To get Rishikesh from the airport, you could use a local bus or a cab.

 Rishikesh Tourism: A Travel Guide And Tour Tips

Located on the banks of the sacred Ganges River, Rishikesh is an experience rather than only a place. Renowned for both natural beauty and spiritual relevance, Rishikesh draws visitors from all around the globe.

Rishikesh Tourism
Rishikesh Tourism

People come to the city’s several ashrams and yoga institutes in search of comfort and instruction in the age-old arts of yoga and meditation. Rishikesh’s calm surroundings make the ideal place for introspection and renewal.

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Apart from its spiritual benefits, Rishikesh provides a spectrum of exciting sports. There is everything for any adventure seeker, from whitewater rafting in the Ganges to hiking in the neighboring highlands.

Places To Visit In Rishikesh:

the Janki bridge in Rishikesh Uttarakhand
the Janki bridge in Rishikesh, Uttarakhand

Don’t miss the opportunity to see the famous Laxman Jhula and Ram Jhula, suspension bridges with expansive views of the river and the surroundings, while in Rishikesh. Not missed is the nighttime Ganga Aarti, a stunning event carried out on the banks of the Ganges.


Rishikesh has everything you can possibly need—spiritual enlightenment, adventure, or just a quiet retreat. For every visitor, Rishikesh offers a unique experience with its rich cultural legacy, stunning scenery, and kind welcome.

Therefore, whether you decide to fly, drive, or train, a trip from Delhi to Rishikesh will surely leave you with peace and memories.

Make today your travel date and start a soul-stirring journey to the magical city of Rishikesh, where spirituality meets peace.

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